Photo by berenice martinez on Unsplash

You’re not wrong

Learning to trust yourself can be tricky thing to relearn. After you’ve been let down so many times it’s hard to see if it’s your pain talking or intuition speaking to you; you start to believe what you want to be true and get enveloped in the fantasy of how you want things to go and get mad at yourself when what you thought doesn’t turn out to be true.

On my journey to relearn this much needed skill is to remember that most people don’t have your best interest at heart. Now this doesn’t mean they aren’t a good person, it’s just by nature people are selfish. One thing to remember is that when you find those people that truly have your best interest at heart, hold them near and dear to your heart. Humble yourself to know that they don’t come around very often, so thank them for being there, be grateful that you are lucky to have them in your life, and treasure them always. Angels like those set the standards for who you allow and what. you allow in your life and that’s a gift to you.

Intuition can be tricky, I’m still learning how to really pay attention to mine. I used to hesitate a lot on decisions, and realized that I was causing myself more stress by not making a decision. I would drive myself crazy doing mental gymnastics trying to replay every kind of scenario, and having in depth conversations about what the other person would say and it’s extremely tiring. It causes you to neglect other parts of your life waiting on yourself to make a decision, because you’re literally waiting on no one but yourself.

If you are on the struggle bus; here are a few tips I learned that helped me:

Pray, Pray and Pray again. Trust me it really works, even though sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, your prayers are being answered. Learning to be patient while HE is doing his magic is the hard part, that’s where faith comes in. You must know without a shadow of doubt that what you’re hoping for will come in due time. Sometimes in the waiting your prayers may change and it might produce the outcome that you were hoping for.

Do it already, bite the bullet. Much of your stress will already be relieved when you make a decision and commit to it. Even if you make the wrong one, it means you learned something, rarely are things mistakes.

Move in silence, this is a BIG one. You can’t let the hurt of others influence your decisions. Very rarely do people give advice unbiased, it’s always from their perspective and experiences. Learn to be your own counselor because you know yourself the best and no one has to live your life but YOU.

Look back at a time when you really won at life. When you’ve made a decision and it turned out perfectly, build on that excitement and momentum. Remember that feeling and let it carry you going forward.

How I learned these things was not an easy process, and time doesn’t make it better. All I know is that life is too short not to live it with ease and flow.

love always,

Image credit: Photo by berenice martinez on Unsplash