sedona, arizona

A solo trip had been on my bucket list for a long time. I didn’t have the courage to ever take it though because I always go on trips either meeting someone there or going with my family or friends. It’s not like I didn’t already do a lot of things on my own, for some reason a solo vacation seemed scary. I didn’t witness woman around me doing things like that or even following their dreams or passion, I don’t ever remember anyone talking about what their dreams or passions was either.

I made a commitment to take one solo vacation a year on my birthday, even if it’s a small trip – I must wake up in a place other than my own bed ON my actual birthday. I also learned a thing or two about myself in Sedona, AZ.

  • I really like myself! I mean like I enjoy my own company, I guess you could contribute that to being an only child and having no choice to entertain myself at times. I’m truly happy with the person I am and the woman that I’m growing into. I know there’s so much to learn and love and I’m enjoying the process, of course I have my bad days when I reflect on the past too much, that’s still a work in progress.
  • I unlearned that wisdom is reserved for those who are successful. Society tells you that to be important you must achieve great material wealth, a nice house, nice car, and lots of money. I always think about the stories of the bible and all the people that weren’t mentioned and still had such an impact on those who wrote the bible. Everybody can’t have their story in the bible, it doesn’t make your story any less important. You must follow your journey whether someone writes about you or not. I promise you; GOD loves you no matter what and actual wisdom is choosing to help someone in need because you have something to offer and give.
  • I’m a minimalist. I once packed a week worth’s of clothes for a cruise in one backpack, yes it’s possible. I’m not a materialistic person at all; I didn’t consider that a minimalist. I just know what I like and what I don’t. The one thing I learned from being a minimalist is that life is much easier without so much stuff to tote around. This also applies to emotions and baggage; no emotions are not at all bad, it’s bad when you can’t learn to let them go and your life is ruled by them. I feel so much better when I let the dead weight go and can truly focus on the present.

I’m not sure where I’m going this year yet, I know it’s going to be special though just because it’s my birthday. Life is to be celebrated and enjoyable because it will be over before you know it and no one wants to go before their time. It’s also about having joy doing the mundane things day in and day out, it’s the small moments we’re meant to enjoy and have the biggest impacts. Enjoy my friend!

love always,